Monday, May 18, 2009


I think there were no any people in Npal who haven't listen about the Peace in Nepal. Peace is itself has become a great thing that can't be easily achieved for the common people but it has been the playground for the politicians in our country.
Political group has been playing the match of peace from long time ago in Nepal. They're going on playing on for long time but the result hasn't been achieved yet. Three major political parties were on the playground they're still going on adding time of the match but all those things is for what?
"Nepal is known as the zone of peace." in theworld some years ago but the time has changed because according to time the people has been changing the theme of the country in the rest of the world. Everything has been changing, according to Darwins theory every creatures should change according to time in order to fit the changing climate and situation but Nepal is the poor and developing country it has to be developed from its social, economic, aspects but it has not been yet and the match of establishing the peace in Nepal has been shadowed in Nepal.
The proper development of the country is dependent on the political condition of the country because the key to run the country is given to the political party in the form of vote by the people. In Nepal also, after the 12 years of armed struggle the Maoist has been given the key by the people to run the country thinking that they can understand our problems and can establish the Peace and eradicate the corruption from our country. But the two years time period for the development of constitution in our country has been going to be over but till now theyre struggling for the changing of government in the country, higher post of people were being killed daily the status of peace and security in our country is being bad to worse, Journalists were being the target for the criminal group and the govt hasn't been able to catch the criminal and give punishment according to the crime. At one side govt is trying to strengthen its lifetime on the other hand people were being insecure and the case of eradication of the human rights cases has been rising up daily. In such a critical stage establishing of peace has been totally darken in Nepal. In this stage what we the people were being the observer for this dirty political siituation in our country.
Now the time limit to write the constitution in our country is being shortening day by day. So, the time has come in our country to give high pressure to the members of the constitution to give guarantee the peoples constitution in Nepal the written constitution should be back wark people orientnend so, that they can enjoy their full right and the peace and security in the country can be guaranteed and the resources of the country can be fully utilised for the development of country people weren't be forced to go abroad for employment serve the other country, tourism sector is to be developed properly which can attract a lot of foreigneer every year in our country. For all these peace is to be established in Nepal.


There are many ways in which a person can be gifted. The United States Office of education report defines giftedness as a demonstrated achievement or aptitude for excellence in any one of the six areas:
1) Psychomotor ability: This is one of the most overlooked areas in which individuals can clearly excel. We are dealing here with peoples of outstanding abilities in skills that require agility, strength, speed, quickness, co-ordination and the like.
2) Visual and performing arts: Some people even as children, demonstrate an unusual talent of art, music, drama or writing.
3) Leadership ability:Leadership skills are valued in most societies and there seem to be individuals who are particularly gifted in this area.This is often true even with very young children.Youngsters with good leadership skills tend to be intellectually bright but they are not necessarily are smartest of the group.
4) Creative or productive thinking: This area of giftedness has received considerable attention over the past 25 years.Here we are thinking about the individuals who may be intellectually above average but again not necessarily so.Among the other things people with this type of giftedness are able to generate unique and different solutions to problems.
5) Specific academic aptitude: In this case we are talking about people who have flair or a special ability for a particular subject or two.Someone who is a real Whig in math, history or laboratory science without necessarily being outstsnding in other academic areas would fit this category.
6) Intellectually gifted: Inclusion in this group is based on scores earned on a general intelligence test, usually a Wechsler test or the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale.It is most likely that when people use the term mentally gifted, and they are referring to individuals who would fit this category people of exceptionally high IQ


Mainly the age period in which teen comes include the teenage. Thirteen to nineteen in which teen comes is the hit teenage period.
In this age various physical as well as mental changes takes place. The physical changes include the changes in the structure, shape and size of the body along with the mental changes. In case of mental changes the thinking of the them may change. Some of them may be depressed due to over thinking at a same subject for a long time and may spoil them and may involve in bad activities if they don’t get proper direction.
At this stage mainly they start to think about the opposite sex and start to be attracted (at this critical stage if they don’t get proper counseling) at this time they will be fully committed to get each other & see all things positively but if they fail in their attempt they will see everywhere darkness &may involve themselves in addiction too.
So, the main things is to remember that is at the teenage the attraction towards the opposite sex is only the physical attraction it will not last for a long time because single hand can’t clap so, one sided love doesn’t last for a long time which we understand only after the throwing of her & realize that it is not the time to love but it is the period to make our carrier and to be self-dependent to make our future.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Personality Development and Finishing School

Have you ever felt like you were just part of the crowd? Unnoticed? Overlooked? Ignored?

Did you ever worry about what you would do at a party? How you would behave? What you would say?

Have there been instances where you just felt like no one understood what you were trying to say?

YoungBuzz will give you all the help you need, with our comprehensive personality development programs and finishing school. You’ll develop the little things that could make a huge difference to your life and career. We’ll work on your confidence, communication skills, teamwork, creativity and memory to help you look, feel and even think better!

YoungBuzz has used its proprietary 3-I system to develop various programmes.