Thursday, March 18, 2010


Human beings including all the creatures found on this world are the components of the environment. At present due to the rapid increasing population and anti-environment human activities there is high pressure on the environment due to which its quality is being degraded day by day. If the environment is for all and we are the action group we have to take the responsible for controlling it for that what steps are we adopting, if we haven’t started it has been to late so please start to step forward from today &now to save the environment:
Change Compact fluorescent lamp in place of normal bulb.
Use solar power which is the renewable and pollution free energy source.
Try to make the insulated room which doesn’t need heater or AC during winter season.
Turn off the computer if it is not in use or off time in office.
Turn off the bulb if it is not in use.
Check the amount of air in the wheel for good mileage.
Better walk the short distance if there is time.
Turn of the gas geyser if it is not in use.
Use the low power (saving) consuming equipments.
Use of fuel saving/low fuel consuming vehicles.
Better use the means of communication like internet, fax, phone, etc.
Turn of the tap after use.
Plant more trees >please try to plant one tree a year.
Use of Bio-fuel.
Use public vehicles.
Refuse/Discard plastic products.
Saving use of paper products i.e. reuse and recycle.
Try to use less amount of waste producing materials.
Try to use less water.
Convey this message to all the friends i.e. Duplicate for that start from your own family.

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