Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Conservation is the management of the benefits of all life including human kind of the biosphere so that it may yield sustainable benefit to the present generation while maintaining its potential to meet needs and aspirations of the future generations.
Conservation of biological resources or natural resources has the following objectives:
 To maintain the essential ecological process and life supporting system.
 To preserve biological diversity.
 To ensure that any utilization of species and ecosystems is sustainable.
Further we can say, fundamentally here are two reasons for conservations if can either benefit for human beings or for the benefit for the species.
Conservation involves the following four major proceses:
• Preservation of the endangered habitats or species.
• Management of ecosystem.
• Rreclamation of damaged habitats.
• Creation of new habitats.
Mainly there are two types of conservation.
• Ex-situ conservation
• In-situ conservation.
In situ conservation
In situ is the conservation of natural resources in their natural habitats or area of origin. The wildlife is conserved in protected areas systems such as national parks, wildlife reserve, conservation areas. In situ conaervation is the best method for the conservation in long run as the animals adapted to the natural condition since generations.

Ex situ conservation
Ex situ conservation is the conservation of natural resources outside their natural habitats or area of origin. An artificial but similarenvironment or habitats is maintained in place different than the original.Wildlife of threatened categories are kept in captivity which are artificially breeded. This method ensures that the species does not extinct. After the successful breeding in captivity, the offsprings can be reintroduced in natural environment. Examples botanical garden, zoo, zoological garden, aquarium, gene bank, etc.
Conservation of natural resources is the challenging task of the world. Conservation cannot be achieved in isolation. For the conservation of natural resources, these must be global alliance. The conservation education and ethnics should be imparted to all levels of society. The future of humanity depends upon the conservation of natural resources.
In practice following principles are to be adopted for the conservation of natural resources:
 Reduce: Resources are limited and therefore we must not waste resources. Natural resources should be use only to meet basic needs. Reduction in consumption of resources will result in the reduction of wastage of resources and less production of waste materials. For e.g. creating awarness can reduce the use of petroleum products.
 Reuse: Reuse involves using the same product again and again in its original form. For e.g. glass, beverage bottles, etc. can be collected, washed and refilled. Reuse reduces energy use and pollution.
 Recycling: Items containing iron and aluminium account for 94% of all metals used. Damaged metals are collected, melted and converted into new products. Papers and glasses are also recycled. This process also saves energy and causes less pollution. Reuse or recycling process is called resources recovery.

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