Friday, April 9, 2010

Environment: Man's Impact

The man’s impact on the environment fall into two broad categories
• Direct or the intentional impacts
• Indirect or Unintentional impacts.
Direct or the intentional impacts are preplanned and premeditated because man is aware of the consequences, both positive and negative of any programme which is launched to change or modify the natural environment for economic development of region concerned. Such changes include land use ( clearing of forests and burning of grassland for crop cultivation, falling of trees for commercial purposes, changes in cropping pattern in relation to new farming techniques, new high yielding seeds, irrigational facilities, etc.), constructions of dams, reservoirs and canals, diversion and manipulation of river channel, construction of embankments and dykes to protect the area from floods, construction of roads and bridges, increase in urbanization, mining, drilling of minerals oils, etc.,withdrawal of groundwater , agricultural practices( mechanization of agriculture, use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides) weather modification programmes ( cloud seeding to induce precipitation, dispersal and clearing of clouds and fogs, checking of hailstorm), nuclear programmes, etc. It is significant to point out that the effects of such anthropogenic changes in the natural environment are noticeable within short period and may continue to effect the environment for the long time but these effects are reversible because before and after studies may enable the man to set the adverse effects right to certain extent if so intended by making changes in the initial programmes. The atomic energy explosions and the flying of super-sonic aero planes have led to the depletion of ozone layer in the upper atmosphere. The danger of leakage of nuclear radiations from nuclear power plants and of various poisonous chemicals from various chemical industries is always there. The indirect or the unintentional impacts of human on the environment are not preplanned or premeditated and these arise from those human activities which are directed to accelerate the pace of economic growth, especially industrial development. Though such economic activities may be economically important but the after-effects are certainly socially undesirable. The indirect impacts of human economic activities on the environment are not immediately noticeable because of time lag between the effects of economic activities bring in slow rate of changes of moderate nature in a few components of the ecosystem and these changes take long time to cross the sensitivity of the system. Sometimes, such effects are not reversible and therefore it becomes difficult to identify and evaluate them. These effects may change the overall natural system and the chain effects sometimes become suicidal for human being. Majority of the indirect impacts of human activities on the environment are related to pollution and environmental degradation. Urbanization, industrial expansion and land use changes very often change weather and climate though in long term perspective. Economic activities of man are capable of affecting the heat balance of the earth and its atmosphere which in turn transforms weather and climate at regional and global scales. Some of the ill effects of the industrial revolution or technological revolution are:
• Industrial revolution has led to bio-concentration of pesticides in the bodies of human beings and animals.
• Industrial revolution is using-up the earth’s neural called metal ores at a very fast rate.
• Industrial revolution has depleted the ozone layer of upper atmosphere to some extent which results in the global warming.
• Industrial revolution has increased pollution in air, water and soil.
• Industrial revolution is eating up the fossil fuels at a very rapid rate.
• Industrial revolution has led to large scale cutting of the forests i.e. deforestation.In fact man changes the atmospheric conditions through.
• Changes in the natural gaseous of the atmosphere mainly in the lower part.
• Changes in the water vapour content of the troposphere and the stratosphere through direct (cloud seeding) and indirect means (deforestation).
• Changes and alteration of land surfaces (deforestation, mining, urbanization, etc.).
• Introduction of aerosols in the lower atmosphere.
• Released of additional heat in the atmosphere (From urban and industrial sources), etc.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Environment and Human: Past and present

The changing relationship of man with the natural environment from prehistoric to modern periods may be divided into four stages as follows:
Period of hunting and food; This period is related to most primitive man when he was basically a part of natural environment and his functions was based on forest like other animals. Thus the primitive man was functionally a biological man or physical man because his basic requirements were limited food only which he could collect from his surroundings. Thus, the primitive man used to satisfy his hunger by fruits which were easily obtained from plants and trees and he spent his nights in the caves or on the trees. With the march of time man learned to hunt animals for his food. Even the hunting of animals by early man did not make any change in the natural environmental system because of his limited requirements and very low population and uncivilized society. The discovery of fire made a significant change in the altitude of man because now he learned to cook animal flesh before eating. This practice requires wood which he used to derive easily from the forest. The demand of wood for burning purposes to roast animals made another significant change in the starting point in the technology as the man had invent some devices to cut and chop trees and their branches to get firewood. He also invented some tools to kill animals. The first destruction of environment started with the careless burning of forests due to carelessness of man which cooking and roasting the animals with fire. This led to a chain of effects by man on his environment. He might have seen the destruction and clearing of dense forests and running of animals away due to inadvertent man-induced fire.
Period of animal domestication and pastoralism: With the march of time early man learned to domesticate animals for his own benefits. He might have domesticated some milch cattle and some animals for meat in the beginning. Slowly and slowly his herd of domesticated animals might have substantially increased. With the march of time the early peoples might have gathered larger herds of domesticated animals. They still stuck to nomadic way of as they had to move from one place to another place In search of water and fodder for their animals and food for themselves. Thus increase in the population of domesticated animals also led to increase in the population of early peoples which ultimately led to meaningful exploitation of environmental resources but this could not change the natural state of environment because the population of early peoples and their domesticated animals was still under manageable size and the changes brought in by human activities in the environment were well within the limit of self-regulatory mechanism of the natural environmental ecosystem.
Period of plant domestication and agriculture: Domestication of plants for food was a hallmark in the development of human skill of taming and controlling the biotic component of the natural environmental system or ecosystem. Domestication of plants initiated primitive type of agriculture and sedentary settled life of people who previously were nomads and wanders. But still many of the people use to live nomadic life. With the march of time man developed his own environment known as “the cultural environment” by building houses and thus creating villages, towns and cities, by building social institutions like schools and colleges, by building places of workshops like temples, churches, mosques, etc. by constructing roads, railroad, bridges, canals, etc. It may be pointed out that all these and many more elements of cultural environment were evolved through various stages of agricultural development up to 1860 or say before industrial revolution.
Period of science, technology and industrialization: The dawn of industrial revolution in late nineteenth century with the emergency of science and development of more efficient and sophisticated technology initiated the hostile relationship between man and his natural environment. Extreme concept of the western world, advanced technological man led to reckless and indiscriminate rapacious exploitation of natural resources for industrial expansion and urban growth which have altogether created most of the present day environmental and ecological problems of global dimension. With the rapid increase in human population and the onset of industrial revolution, the demand of natural raw material and sources of energy is increasing day to day.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Are people happy today?

The advancements in the science and technology have narrowed the world at present. All the people are attracted towards the modern facilities of the world. 21st century is known as the age of the computers so all people were attracted towards the computer education, which have developed a lot of programs that can run the world with in the single hand i.e. Email and the internet. Not only were these there others lots of means of transportation and communication had that changed the life of the people dramatically. The development of the civilization is different from each other in each continent and the region of the world but at this century the scientific invention has made the world a single home and all the members as their own family. People has got the facilities and the world has narrowed they can reach from one place to the other within a second, visit the world in a day, exchange the culture with each other with people of Africa with that of America and vice versa to the other rest of the world. Invention of the mobile phones help contact at any place of the world which is the development of communications like satellite television station, radio broadcasting centre, etc. too. Invention of the modern vehicles like Car, Bus, Cycle, Motor-Bike, Train, Aero plane, Helicopter, Rocket, Jet-Liners, etc. has increased the efficiency of our work style and improved our life styles but on the other hand this development has destroyed the happiness and peace of the people at this stage. The world cyclist Pushkar Shah told that the people at present have destroyed their happiness due to this pressure of the modern inventions which has added more pressure on the local people. They’re highly pressured due to this they’re losing their own life and destroying their own health and life because they’re running towards money at present.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Interview: Impressing the boss

Impressing the boss across the table during Interview Interview can be nerve taking racking experience, even for the most seasoned interviewee with plenty to worry about, it can sometimes seem an additional stress to then consider the impression we are leaving behind. But, it doesn’t have to be that difficult and with some prior preparation you can relax during your interview, with the knowledge of that you are creating the right impression. Don’t be late Double check your interview details. Prior to your interview details you know the location and if necessary drive there before hand so you know exactly where it is how to get there and how long it takes this will help alleviate stress on the interview day. If you need parking check beforehand the parking situation, you may need to reserve a park or you may need to find public parking close by so investigate your interview isn’t during peak hour there can always be traffic or public transport delays so allow extra time you can always wait in the car or in a nearby cafĂ©. Research the company and Role Try to obtain a job description prior to the interview. Consider possible questions that you might be asked and think about how you might answer them. What do you know about the company? Do some research, most of the company have their details on their website if you are applying via an agency ask them. Prepare some questions that you would like to ask about the role, what it is like to work for the company and the company culture.Look the part If you are applying for the management post then you need to look like a manager. Equally if you are applying for a creative role in an organization that fosters free thinking rather than suits, dress as they would. If you’re not sure than dress professionally. Don’t forget the smaller details about the shiny shoes, clean nails and a neat a haircut show that you want to make a good impression.
Be prepared Have your CV with you and any relevant details such as a portfolio. If you are relying on technology have a backup. Body language during interview Try to be aware of how you are sitting and any distracting behavior, such as playing with paper, this can create the impression that you are nervous. Offer a firm hand shake and hold confident eye contact during the interview. A smile can help alleviate your nerves and creates a friendly and open atmosphere. Be confident and positive It’s very difficult to be confident at an interview and you also don’t want to appear overly confident that you have the job. But, be positive and confident and convince yourself that you do have the skills and ability to do the job. If you can convince yourself then it will be much easier to convince someone else. Better try to find the better positive responsibilities to all questions for example- If there is a career gap in your CV explains what the skills you might have gained during this period. If you can avoid negative responses your interviewer doesn’t want to hear about all the problems you had in your last role and it might create the impression that you’re difficult to work with. It’s important that you approach your interview with confidence. With a little preparation you can minimize any potential hiccups an the day that might cause stress and anticipating possible questions can give you the edge on having well thought out responses. Show an interest in the company that you want to work for and ask questions that demonstrate your knowledge and preparation. Approach your interview relaxed and don’t forget to smile.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Leadership and its outstanding qualities

Coming across the students, professionals, managers and would be managers who aspire to become a good leader in their chosen fields. One question they never forget is “How can I become a good leader.” Or “which are the areas that I need to focus on to be an effective leader?” Let’s think about any of the re-known person in the world Barak Obama, Mahatma Gandhi, Geeerija Prasad Koirala or Saurav Ganguly or Steve Waugh –all have demonstrated some common qualities which have made them great leader in their respective fields. From their leadership style the essence of leadership can be drawn out as under:-
L- Stands for loyalty- towards their people, organization and country society in general. It also stands for love for what they do and their people it is this love that signifies the passion for hard work and the never ending enthusiasm and energy.
E- Leaders influence others by the energy and enthusiasm, which they exuberate. Energy and enthusiasm are infectious and rub on to the others, who then want to be a part of whatever is happening. E also stands for leading by Example: A manager who consciously follows the organizations code of conduct would not have to ask his people to follow it- they’ll automatically observe it.
A- A is the ability to adopt oneself to the demands of the situation and being flexible. It is flexibility, which makes one open to listening and suggestion, which in turn helps a person to adapt him and his style. It also stands for Assertiveness- an important skill for ensuring that people understand and do what he want them to do.
D- It is about Diagnosis- the ability to accurately Assers the needs of the follower in a specific situation. It is also about taking quiet and timely decisions. It also means maintaining the right balance between directing the whole show on one hand and delegation and decentralization on the other.
E-It is about the empowerment- an effective leader is one who empowers his people. This empowerment is in terms of delegation of responsibility as well as authority. It is also in terms of strengthening knowledge, skills and competencies. Here in comes the role of coaching and counseling. A leader needs to understand that the best way to empower is to Motivate and should look for the opportunities to appreciate good work.
R-It stands for Recognition- every person has an inherent need for recognition. A good leader is one who does not hog all the lime lights himself but shares the laurels with all. More importantly he ensures that each person is getting his due by bringing to the force front his achievements. It also stands for the ability to take the Risk; also R is about respecting each person for what he is and earning the respect of others. A good leader commands respect. Finally R is about being a ‘Role Model.’
S- It means being supportive. Supportive behavior is the extent to which a leader engages in two- way communication, involves employees in decision making and provides support and encouragement. It also means being Situational- that is the ability to change the leadership style to suit the needs of the follower in a specific situation.
H-H is about hard-working not only getting the work done but also putting in honest hard works one. It also stands for having a Hand in building strong team. A successful leader is one who is constantly working on keeping his people together as a team.
I-I stands for integrity and credibility. A leader can command respect only when people can believes in him and trust him. A leader also has to be innovative- not only in terms of new ideas and strategies but also in terms of being able to find solutions to various problems that come his way.
P- It includes a lot of things, being Passionate about everything. It means being people-oriented. It is about understanding people and especially about the process of getting people all pointing and acting in the same direction. It is also about monitoring others and partnership for the performance with all last but not the least, it is about ‘Problems solving skills’- the ability to think on the feet and maintain ones cool to matter that.

Reducing your weight, are you ready?

Are you worried about your increasing weight? If so then don't worry we have prepared some simple tips which can help reduce your weight.In this system neither you've to cut off your best food nor draw out maximum sweat from your body. If you follow this simple instructions regularly you can get your desired body structure. The main thing during losing your weight is the reduction of your calorie level, for which exercise is one thing and the changing of your foodhabit be the another. Control of the protein in your food by preparing the short list of light food also helps reduce calorie from your body. We've prepared simple tips which can be done at any place and any time during leisure. Try to do it regularly then you'll find yourself how healthy you'vebeen drammatically:
1> During office hour if you've to work a long time sitting on a chair then don't mind you can step(tap) your foot on the floor regularly, try to enjoy standing better than sitting on a chair, be active, better walk here and there in office better than sitting feeling bored. In doing so you're able to burn about 350 calorie more daily than sitting on a chair. If you perform it regularly you'll cut off about 16 kilograms of your weight the whole year.Isn't it beneficial?
2>Try to take balanced diet regularly at a certain interval not exceeding the calorie more than 400 each period, this gives positive response to the insulin also reduces the cholesterol during fasting. If you develop this habit your habit of over-eating will be given up which results in the reduction of calorie in the food. Isn't it fantastic? But try to forbid junk food totally.
3> I think you're worried about your increasing work load, please don't mind it is better to increase work volume, it doesn't harms. If you have a habit of gossiping with friends during leisure period but it is better to play a music then dance closing a room. It not only gives you refreshment but also helps to burn a lot of calorie. How do you think to kill to birds with a single stone?
4>Drink about eight glass of cool water daily, it is found that we've to drink water in litre to the figure obtained by dividing your total weight by 30 per day. We think water is drunk only to fulfill the thirst not only that it helps to rise up the metabolic activities. It is prooved that one third of our total body's energy is utilized in heating up the cool water also body expenses some energy in absorbing water. Drinking water never rise up the calorie but it uses calorie in absorbing it. At present cold drinks are common to all but we drink different chemicals and some calorie too along with it.So, better try to give up the habit of taking cold drinks better try to drink pure cool water. Also drink water before food and snacks and after juiceand sweets.
5>Better do not use lift use ladder to climb up and come down the floor. In case of leisure time you can jump up and down the ladder as children it gives you pleasure along with the burning of the calorie from your body.
6>Please try to develop a habit of carrying a bag/load regularly it also helps to reduce the calorie from your body. Better carry hand bag regularly on both the hand. If tou're on a travel better carry two small bag rather than a big suitcase, it helps to reduce your calorie level unknowingly.
7>Give priority to the food containing fibre in your diet. High fibre in your diet helps to reduce the calorie intake. Better try to cut off the carbohydrateand increase the amount of fibre in diet. It is because fibre is not easily chewed and takes more time, in doing so more amount of digesting hormone is produced which digests more amount of food in a short period. Therefore, try to take fruits as a lunch in your diet.
Follow up all these insructions thoroughly if you really want to reduce your weight. Reading only is nothing but doing in real practice is the realone so, I wish you the healthy,longer,better and happy life with your desired body structure.