Thursday, April 1, 2010

Reducing your weight, are you ready?

Are you worried about your increasing weight? If so then don't worry we have prepared some simple tips which can help reduce your weight.In this system neither you've to cut off your best food nor draw out maximum sweat from your body. If you follow this simple instructions regularly you can get your desired body structure. The main thing during losing your weight is the reduction of your calorie level, for which exercise is one thing and the changing of your foodhabit be the another. Control of the protein in your food by preparing the short list of light food also helps reduce calorie from your body. We've prepared simple tips which can be done at any place and any time during leisure. Try to do it regularly then you'll find yourself how healthy you'vebeen drammatically:
1> During office hour if you've to work a long time sitting on a chair then don't mind you can step(tap) your foot on the floor regularly, try to enjoy standing better than sitting on a chair, be active, better walk here and there in office better than sitting feeling bored. In doing so you're able to burn about 350 calorie more daily than sitting on a chair. If you perform it regularly you'll cut off about 16 kilograms of your weight the whole year.Isn't it beneficial?
2>Try to take balanced diet regularly at a certain interval not exceeding the calorie more than 400 each period, this gives positive response to the insulin also reduces the cholesterol during fasting. If you develop this habit your habit of over-eating will be given up which results in the reduction of calorie in the food. Isn't it fantastic? But try to forbid junk food totally.
3> I think you're worried about your increasing work load, please don't mind it is better to increase work volume, it doesn't harms. If you have a habit of gossiping with friends during leisure period but it is better to play a music then dance closing a room. It not only gives you refreshment but also helps to burn a lot of calorie. How do you think to kill to birds with a single stone?
4>Drink about eight glass of cool water daily, it is found that we've to drink water in litre to the figure obtained by dividing your total weight by 30 per day. We think water is drunk only to fulfill the thirst not only that it helps to rise up the metabolic activities. It is prooved that one third of our total body's energy is utilized in heating up the cool water also body expenses some energy in absorbing water. Drinking water never rise up the calorie but it uses calorie in absorbing it. At present cold drinks are common to all but we drink different chemicals and some calorie too along with it.So, better try to give up the habit of taking cold drinks better try to drink pure cool water. Also drink water before food and snacks and after juiceand sweets.
5>Better do not use lift use ladder to climb up and come down the floor. In case of leisure time you can jump up and down the ladder as children it gives you pleasure along with the burning of the calorie from your body.
6>Please try to develop a habit of carrying a bag/load regularly it also helps to reduce the calorie from your body. Better carry hand bag regularly on both the hand. If tou're on a travel better carry two small bag rather than a big suitcase, it helps to reduce your calorie level unknowingly.
7>Give priority to the food containing fibre in your diet. High fibre in your diet helps to reduce the calorie intake. Better try to cut off the carbohydrateand increase the amount of fibre in diet. It is because fibre is not easily chewed and takes more time, in doing so more amount of digesting hormone is produced which digests more amount of food in a short period. Therefore, try to take fruits as a lunch in your diet.
Follow up all these insructions thoroughly if you really want to reduce your weight. Reading only is nothing but doing in real practice is the realone so, I wish you the healthy,longer,better and happy life with your desired body structure.

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