Friday, July 9, 2010

Contribution of CFC in the ozone layer depletion

Origin of Ozone:- The history of Ozone begins from 1840 when the scientist Schonbein named the peculiar smelling gas, ozone meaning “I smell”. Later on, in 1886 Socret proved that ozone is not a miracle but simply an unstable triatomic allotrophic modification of oxygen. It is present in the upper atmosphere somewhat above 20 kms from the earth’s surface which is believed to formed by the action of ultraviolet rays on oxygen. The ultraviolet rays from the sun breaks up some of the oxygen molecule releasing oxygen atoms. These atoms recombine to form a three atom molecule of oxygen called Ozone.The layer of ozone has a thickness of about 24km & shields the earth from harmful u-v radiation of the sun. In the layer, it is being destroyed & formed in almost cyclic order. This cycle is violated when some ocean devastator comes in contact with with ocoean layer. The devastator is no other but our well known chlorine atoms. This devastation of ozone layer by chlorine atoms is actually termed as “Ocean-depletion”. This depletion diminishes the capability of ozone layer to filter the harmful ultraviolet radiations.
What is CFC?:-CFC is simply an abbreviated form of Chloro-fluoro carbon. Actually CFC is a group of synthetic chemicals, which was developed in 1930 by Dr. Thomas Midgey for Du-pont-Generalmotors used for the refrigeration purpose. The toxicity and corrosive nature of ammonia or SO₂ used in refrigeration compelled for a search of new substance. This compulsion broke out as a development of CFC, which was non-toxic & non-corrosive. The non-toxic and inert CFCs marketed by Du-Pont were in the trade name “Freons”. CFC-11 & CFC-12 were used as coolants in refrigerations & air-conditioners, as aerosol propellents. Later on, CFC-13 another synthetic chemical in the same group, was found to be very useful as a solvent in the semi-conductor industry.
Why are CFCs banned?:- The mystery of ozone depletion was revealed
by an American scientist Dr. Sherry Rowlands and his research associate, Dr.Mano Marlin, at the university of California. Their findings about the ozone-devastator chlorine atoms was confirmed in 1975. Though these were confirmed the major Chlorine wafting man-made chemicals-CFCs were still away from the eyes of environmentalists since 1985. But,this year the British Antarctic survey made a commission to do the comparative measurements of ozone concentration over Antarctica. The result of the project shocked the each & every conscious human being & leld him to the position to choose the way between use CFCs and destroy himself or ban the CFC and save the whole world. After many discussions the convention was held on Montreal in 1987 which decided to reduce CFC consumption by 50% by 1999 and to ban CFC was that it is a major Chlorine atom producer & the chlorine atom is the major cause for ozone depletion.
This ozone depletion chiefly occurs near the poles in the spring. The prevailing low temperature of the stratosphere makes the ozone more vulnerable to the reaction eith chlorine released mainly from CFC. Due to this reason, even a small amount of chlorine also can cause an immense desruction of ozone layer. In normal course, the nitrous oxide destroys the ozone eater chlorine atoms & prevent the depletion. However, in the sub-zero temperature of the stratosphere above the polar regions, these nitrogen oxides freeze to form ice clouds & can no more save ozone. The accumulation of the Chlorine monoxide goes on increasing on one side and the shrinking of ozone proceeds on the other and ultimately a hole appears on the ozone layer. The major chlorine atoms releasing CFCs were banned knowing the fact that their repeate use can darken the future of human race & can convert the beautiful earth into a dradeful grave.
So, the Ozone-depletion & CFCs are synonymous. The CFCs are the major cause of ozone layer depletion though there are several other chemicals like; Carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, etc. This is the right time to think about our future. Western countries are more conscious about this and are using “CFC-free” materials. This shows that we can run our life comfortably even without CFC then “ Why to create problems ourselves?” So, there is an urge to think about CFC before we use any kind of chemical substances that may be either our deodrant or body. spray or refrigerating medium or any things llike that, or not? Please think it with cool mind once are we going forward or going backward destroying ourselves

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